I'm twelve, as most of you know. I lied about my age and got an account on here when I was 11.
I will never truly, fully believe in this until I see a picture of an Andalite, Yeerk Pool, Hork-Bajir, etc.
I can't swim either.
I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was 11.
I accidently cut part of my kitten's ear off when I was 8. (What?! Don't look at me like that. I was cutting paper, and he rubbed against the paper...and the sciccors.)
I'm a loner. I hate being in crowds, and I love being alone.
I've been obbsessed with Animorphs since I was 6.
I don't act my age. Ever. I act like I'm around 30 years old.
I'm tall for my age, and I often get mistaken for a teenager.
I am determind to be an ice skater, albeit girly.
I like to sing when I'm alone or with my sister. (She says I have a good voice.)
I'm too sensitive.
I like Barbie movies, and as I said before, albeit girly.
I only have 5 friends in real life, none of which I am very close too. (Not including my friend Kimberly, but she's like 40-45 years old.)
I love writing stories, but I refuse to let anyone read any of mine.
I kind of like to dance in private...
I'm a computer addict
and I need a life. I hate a lot of foods, even though I haven't tried them.
I wish I had more alone time.
My bedroom is a small den without an airconditioner.
I still sleep with my dad sometimes. >.> What? He has the comfiest bed in the house, and since my mom's not gonna sleep with him, I might aswell enjoy the airconditioning will I can.
I toss and turn like crazy, as well as whine, whiper and yep in my sleep even though I almost always have good dreams.
I am absolutly terrified of ghosts and spiders.
I should try and do better in school, but I usually don't.
I hate small and crowded places. But I love to be alone in small rooms (such as my laudry room).
When I really need to think, the best thing I can do is lay down and close my eyes.
I'm a pretty good speller (and grammer freak at times; I love spelling.) but I don't usually put in much effort, except for things like stories, poems, etc.
I hate being hugged, or having to hug. I'll break down into tears when someones trying to force me to hug. I have no idea why.
Both my nine year old sister and I know what sex is. :x Blame TV. We've collected and put to it together and...ew.
I want to be a Lucid Dreamer so bad.
I annoy my sister by correcting her grammer. ;D (Aw, "fighted', "thinked", etc. Lmao.)
I also annoy her by using words she doesn't understand, like...well I can't think of any right now.